We are producing high-definition regional climate model outputs to assess how the climate will change in Central Asia, MENA, Australasia, Mediterranean, Turkey and sub-regions such as Cyprus.
about us...We conduct interdisciplinary research on the impacts of climate change and policies and support the literature for the implementation of these surveys in neighboring regions such as the Eastern Mediterranean, the Middle East and Central Asia, and the geography we live in.
about us...We conduct studies to provide education to undergraduate and graduate students, to provide informative trainings to relevant units in the public and private sectors, and to establish a sustainable information platform on climate change.
about us...We are working to create an up-to-date database on climate change and policies, to use the database in interdisciplinary research, to share information with relevant institutions and individuals in conferences and seminars, and to convert the information into publications.
about us...We provide insight into the impacts of climate change on the Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East and Central Asia and support policy-makers in areas such as renewable energy, emission reduction, adaptation to agriculture and impact studies of extreme climatic events.
about us...servers
cups of coffee
pieces of puzzle
Meeting the increasing energy demand with the increase in population by using coal, natural gas and oil increases the carbon emission and causes the climate to change rapidly.
The thinning of the ozone layer caused by harmful gases in the air causes the harmful rays from the sun to pass through the ozone layer more easily.
Species that cannot adapt to environmental changes rapidly becomes extinct.